Helping Your Local School

Would you like to help your local school but didn't know where to start? Whether it's fundraising, making donations, offering services or even your muscles, please find below some ways to make a big difference at Bolshaw Primary School.

Helping while you're buying! Here are some links to companies who will donate to school every time you buy from them, what could be easier!

RIA Select Travel are a local specialist who will donate to school every time a booking is made through them. Go on, you deserve a break and it helps school too!

RIA Select Travel.jpg

My School Fund work in association with Argos, Sainsburys and ESPO. Visit their site to sign up and start earning rewards for both you and the school for every purchase made.

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From time to time we are contacted by parents or local companies wishing to donate to our school. This may be in the form of a physical or financial contribution, or the offer of volunteer time to support one of our many fund-raising events or site maintenance. To discuss how you can help or to make a donation, please write to or contact the school office on 0161 437 6886.

Bolshaw Primary School

Cross Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, SK8 3LW

Lynda Brown

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