Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Morgan / Mrs Loxam
Children will need to wear their PE kits to school on a Tuesday and a Friday.
Year 3 will also begin swimming in the summer term.
Forest School
Year 3 are very lucky to spend Wednesday afternoons in Creature Camp. Here they get the opportunity to develop a range of life skills, such as team work, perseverance and problems solving. They will need to bring in full waterproof clothes and wellies to wear over their school uniform on these days.
Term 1 - Autumn
In term 1 our learning is based around two key texts, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' in the first half term, and ‘Into the Forest' in the second.
In Literacy, we study Roald Dahl’s brilliant book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, writing character descriptions and thinking about personalities as well as appearance. After reading 'Into the Forest', we will write a recount of the events from the boy's point of view.
In Maths, we work hard to further develop our understanding of place value in 3-digit numbers, followed by addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We then apply these skills to solving puzzles as well as tackling real life situations.
In Science, we develop our knowledge of nutrition. We also learn about the skeleton and muscles, and how to keep them healthy. We then begin to think scientifically by planning our own experiments based on our knowledge of forces with a focus on magnets.
Our computing focus for this term is networks and computing systems. We then move on to stop motion animation which culminates in the children creating their own Kevin the Carrot stop motion movie.
In Art we will learn about the work of Frida Kahlo and create self portraits in the style of her work. We will explore levers and linkages to make our own moving picture.
As we move towards Christmas, we learn to sing and play simple melodies that we will apply to our festive song for the carol concert.
Term 2 - Spring
In term 2, we begin to explore the origins of British history with changes from The Stone Age through to the Iron Age.
In Literacy, we will read 'How to Wash a Wooly Mammoth and write a set of instructions based on this. We also write our own Haikus on ‘cave walls’ which ties in with our knowledge on cave paintings.
In Maths, we continue to develop our understanding of the four operations, as well as learning measures (money, length and perimeter) and statistics. We also begin to look at fractions in this term.
In Science, we develop our knowledge of rocks with several practical experiments involving igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and creating our own fossils. We also build on our skills to work scientifically by designing several experiments around light.
In our curriculum subjects, we take part in an exciting Stone Age enrichment day. We create our own tools and weapons and spend a day living like a stone age person. We get to build shelters out of branches and leaves and have a fire to cook food.
Term 3 - Summer
In term 3, we look at the text 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them', and continue to build up our historical knowledge by learning all about the Egyptians and their ancient civilisation.
In Literacy, we design our own ‘Fantastic Beasts’ and then write a documentary about them. When finished, we invite parents and carers to come and take part in a Fantastic Beast hunt around our school grounds where they can find out about all of our amazing creations.
In Maths, we continue to develop our understanding of fractions, focusing on fractions of shapes and numbers. We then learn to read analogue and digital times and begin to understand the 24-hour clock.
In Science, we study plants and investigate their life cycle including seed dispersal and pollination.
In our curriculum subjects, we build and code our own robots using Lego, as well as creating monoprints based on Egyptian designs. As we come to the end of Year 3 we like to reflect on ourselves and our achievements over the academic year, focussing on our own skills, abilities and talents.