Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Vernon

Hello and welcome to Year 2.


Your child has now entered an important stage of their primary school experience as they enter the final year of KS1.

Your child will be involved in exciting, creative curriculum topics where we aim to give your child a love of learning by building links and enhancing learning across all subjects.

In Year 2 we strive to make all children feel confident, independent and safe. We want our children to leave Year 2 with a developing growth mindset and an eagerness to challenge themselves.

We hope your child enjoys Year 2 as much as I will!


Term 1 - Autumn

In the Autumn Term, our topics are ‘In the Footprint of Dinosaurs’ and ‘The Great Fire of London’.

In literacy, we read and write a variety of different poems, diary entries, instructions and narratives.  In maths, we consolidate our place value knowledge, learn number bonds within 100 and learn addition/subtraction strategies. We will also be learning about shape during this term. 

In science we will be learning about everyday materials and their properties. We will be thinking about what houses were made of in the past and compare them to the materials that are used today. We will be finding out how the Great Fire of London began. 

Our topic work brings together science, art, history, computing, geography and design technology. The children will be involved in ball games and team building skills.


Term 2 - Spring

During the Spring Term our topic is: ‘Castles, Knights and Dragons’.  In literacy, the children will write non-chronological reports, poetry and an adventure story. In maths, the children work hard to develop their multiplication and division skills as well as looking into money, length and height, mass, capacity and temperature.   

Within science, the children will be learning about living things and their habitats. We will also be learning about plants and what they need to survive. We are looking forward to growing lots of our own plants this term!

Our topic work brings together science, geography, design technology and art. The children will be involved in games, yoga, fitness and target games.


Term 3 - Summer

During this half term, our topics will be ‘What a Wonderful World’ and ‘Paddington’. In literacy, we will be re-telling stories, writing diary entries, poetry and reports. In maths, the children will be working on measurement of length, time, volume and capacity.

In science, we will be learning about life cycles, living things and their habitats. 

Our topic work brings together science, art and history. The children will be involved in dance, games, athletics and gymnastics in PE.



Your child’s full P.E. kit is needed in school on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Reading books will be changed throughout the week. 

Listening to your child read regularly is vitally important, as is signing their reading record to say that they have read their book.

Year 2: Calendar items

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Bolshaw Primary School

Cross Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, SK8 3LW

Lynda Brown

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